November 2008

Starting from Scratch

Some of you may know that I was the rookie linguist on the team when we arrived three months ago. (Yes, really, we have been here that long.) I could almost order my own meals and knew that I should say “Mucho gusto” (basically “Nice to meet you”) when I met someone. Other than that, I was pretty much at a 1- year-old’s level, knowing a few numbers, colors, concepts, but really unable to do much with it. 

What's Next?

Well, I've finished with Spanish language school. It's a strange feeling being "done." I haven't really studied Spanish since I finished my minor in undergrad., so I've been looking forward to brushing up for a long time. It's come and gone, and I can hardly believe it. With three weeks of budgeted schooling left, I decided that I would be better off to study at home what I'd learned and let the rest of the field workers have an extra week of class. So my week off has been one spent at home reviewing and trying to establish a self-disciplined schedule. 

Our First Peruvian Thanksgiving

Well, in the words of my husband, "I have come of age." He said this because he made broccoli cheese casserole for his own Thanksgiving this year. His momma was not here to do it. Our Thanksgiving would not have been as tasty if it weren't for the yummy box of ingredients that my mother-in-law sent to us this month (containing Velveeta and a can of real pumpkin).