Summer Camp in January

Summer Camp in January

As a small house church network we're trying to be more intentional about serving. Of all the things that make Jesus's followers recognizable, service should be at the top of the list. Several months ago we started going to a girls' home and a boys' home each week to help the kids with homework and start building relationships with them. I go to the boys' home in Characato each week and have slowly gotten to know the 17 boys who live there, from 8 to 17 years old. Because of that ongoing relationship, I was invited to go with them to camp at the beach for a week. It was an awesome, exhausting experience. 

Pictures from January 2018

Pictures from January 2018

Our 2018 has started out busy but really great. It is summer time so things usually slow down as far as planning things go because a lot of people travel or go to the beach (it is only about 2 hours away).  Thank you to all of you for your continued support and prayers. Please continue to pray for our neighbors that we are studying the bible with that God will be opening their hearts to him so that they can be a part of the Kingdom here in Arequipa.