Welcoming August - August 2016 Newsletter Header

On behalf of Evan, Lorenzo, Maya, Abigail, and Adileen (pictured above), we'd like to welcome the newest member of the team: August Adele Blair! She didn't make the cut for the kids' picture together in July, but we're absolutely thrilled she's with us now and healthy. 

There's lots happening, and we're so thankful for your thoughts, prayers, and support. Many of you do so much for us behind the scenes. Thank you. We are missing the Morgans right now as they are in the US until early October working with Pleasant Valley in Little Rock.

In this issue, Jeremy reflects on what it's like to read the Jesus story with people who are reading it for the first time. Benji Nicholas, a new apprentice with the team, introduces himself. And Larissa Smith, of TA 1.0 acclaim, shares what it was like to visit Arequipa as a family more than a year after they moved away. 

We have a favor to ask. Will you please spend money at Kroger? Before you do, affiliate your Kroger card with CUDA and a small portion of what you spend is donated to us! Here's how to do it: Create an account for your Kroger card. Set your preferred store to the 37388 zip code (you can change this later). Scroll down to Enroll in Community Rewards and search for organization 46944. Select CUDA, save, and shop as usual! 

Thanks in advance, and enjoy!