Building Community: Exercise Group

I'd like to give you all an update on our exercise group. We started this group in July 2015 and you can refer back to my first article about it. Things have been going really well lately. There is a group of about 6-8 women and they recently asked if we could meet more than just once a week. So now we are meeting on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings.     

There are many things that are encouraging to us about this group. One is that they wantto be there. This means that we don't have to call, message, or incentivize their presence. They enjoy coming and that is so refreshing! It may not seem like a lot, but here it is. So many promising relationships have fizzled out for us and it is always disheartening. Secondly, they like to chat with each other before and even after we finish. I love getting to sit among them and talk about their lives and listen to their stories. Thirdly, they are getting to know each other better too. Katie had the idea to huddle up each time, say our names, and answer a question of the day. So not only are we getting to know more people who live in our community but we also get to witness community being built among them. They have even mentioned getting together to barbeque and play volleyball on a Saturday afternoon. 

This small group of women has really refreshed my heart. The group survived the interruption of two pregnancies (Katie’s and mine) and both of our furloughs to the states and that speaks volumes to us about the group’s dedication. I'm looking forward to our friendships growing in the future. Join us in prayer that our relationships are strengthened and this can lead to deeper conversations!

God made humans to reflect his glory, his love, his wisdom into the world, and in the new creation God will not revoke this vocation. He will gloriously fulfill it. We will become more human, not less.
— N.T. Wright, Simply Good News

Two pictures: Katie leading some of the women on a Saturday morning and August hanging out in her stroller watching us. :)