April 2008

Family Talk: John Petty

What do you admire most in a missionary? Perhaps courage comes to mind, the ability to face many unknown obstacles in a foreign land. Maybe you would mention trust in God, because most missionaries have concluded their work will fail without the aid of the Creator. Many would mention the incredible talent God’s ambassadors must have in interacting with people of other 
cultures. The list is long.

Quorum Convened

On April 20th we had a pretty significant meeting at Harding University. Elders and ministry leaders from Shiloh Road and Cedar Lane gathered together with the team and Bill Richardson for discussions and the establishment of a covenant agreement between the two churches. Despite the long drive (6+ hours) for everyone involved, except Bill, a productive meeting was had and all were blessed. 

Dr. Phillip Slate Visits

We have truly been blessed with this year of preparation with our two sending churches. I can now add Dr. Phillip Slate to our list of “challenging weekend speakers.” Cedar Lane asked Dr. Slate to come speak with the elders and missions committee members on how they can be more effective in foreign mission work. Greg and Kyle worked very hard to compile a document including dates of field work, missionary and church data, and interviews of various representatives of Cedar Lane’s mission history.