February 2010

Mark as Gospel: Preface

During one of our less gratifying fund-raising experiences, the committee reviewing the team lined us up and asked each member how many people we had baptized. I looked self-consciously down at my belt to find not even a hint of a notch. The implication was clear: “You expect us to send you to evangelize in a foreign land when you don’t even do it right here?” It was a question already bouncing around in my own heart, though, causing no little indigestion. I had heard often enough that aspiring missionaries shouldn’t expect the mission field to be the cure for a lifestyle devoid of evangelization. 

It was worrisome, to say the least. 

The Apprentice: Arrival

I arrived in Arequipa, late Wednesday night, February 10th after what seemed like an endless journey. The journey began when I left Tucson, AZ on the 25th of January to travel to Memphis and Tullahoma, TN to visit with friends and the wonderful people at Cedar Lane once more, before leaving the country for the next two years.

Missionary Mom: Like a Child

It has been a humbling experience to live in this culture and not exactly be able to communicate how I would like. I am a people-person. I love to talk to people. But with my poor language skills (learning Spanish has not been my gift), I know that I sound like a child to so many. This has made me feel inadequate in so many ways. There have been many times that I question if I am really cut out for this role, but God has a way of using us despite our inadequacies.

Crossing Cultures: The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You

One of the cultural differences that I have come face-to-face with on multiple occasions is dancing. While living in the States, if someone said they “went dancing” or were at a party where they danced, my mental image would have been of colored or flashing lights, heavy rhythmic music, and body movements that, for the most part, would be inappropriate for me to duplicate. Only those who are trained and participate in some sort of dance group would be able to execute the more “acceptable” forms of dancing, such as ballroom styles, tap or ballet. You know, the “nicer” dances. 

This is not the case in Peru.