Living Libraries

Two new videos: Living Libraries and HULA

Two new videos: Living Libraries and HULA

There are two videos I want to include right here. We’ve written thousands of words this year to try to share what our lives look like, but a video has the capacity to capture the feel of something. My friend Mark Slagle of 1504 Pictures visited us in March and shot an incredible amount of footage. His creative work resulted in two videos. One shows the spark of life that Living Libraries brings into communities in Arequipa as we train teachers. The other tells the story about our approach to study abroad through HULA, as well as visuals from one of our favorite places in the world, the Colca Valley. 

Justice, Wellbeing, and Joy in the City - Looking Ahead

Justice, Wellbeing, and Joy in the City - Looking Ahead

One of the great honors of my last 9 years in Arequipa (!!) is to be connected with the Christian Urban Development Association. It’s not often that there is such a tangible move from faith to action, executed in a such a thoughtful, impactful way. A theology of the inbreaking kingdom of God is beautiful. It sounds like Jesus in the Nazareth synagogue, talking about good news to the poor, freedom for the incarcerated, healing to the oppressed. Because there is something about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that means good news for us—right now!—as we wait for the renewal of all things.

Reading: Opening hearts and healing wounds

Reading: Opening hearts and healing wounds

Although our main mission is to train our teachers, through modeling, in metacognitive reading strategies, reaching the classrooms and feeling the affection of our students, children between the ages of seven and eleven, expressed in hugs, smiles is an ineffable sensation. Reading not only opens doors, it opens hearts and heals wounds. Our noble activity is like the stem of a rose that is not only addressed to our teachers but also to our students, who day by day we see in them a greater attachment to reading. For this, not only motivation has been enough, but also a set of significant strategies that allowed reading to be efficient and meaningful.

Evolving Libraries

Evolving Libraries

One piece of the Living Libraries puzzle that we’ve been thinking deeply about is what happens when we leave. We’ve done our best to structure Living Libraries so that we’re giving teachers and schools a process: comprehension strategies, skills that are put in place that will change reading education but also math, science, history. It’s our aim at sustainability. We want to move on to more schools and teachers and kids, but it’s essential that what we have taught continues to teach and a be a part of a child’s education.

October 2021 Issue Header

October 2021 Issue Header

It’s springtime here, but Peruvians call it “Arequipa summer” because our true summertime (i.e. January) is the coldest it gets because...rain. This month we celebrated 7 years in Peru! There is so much to be thankful for. We love the house churches. We love our neighborhood and friends throughout the city with whom we get to share life and faith. We love partnering in sustainable community development with CUDA in schools and with microloans. We love guiding Harding students through a process of intercultural learning through the history and culture of Peru.

Living Libraries - October 2021

Living Libraries - October 2021

As a reminder, we are Living Libraries, a branch of the Christian Urban Development Association’s work in Arequipa, Peru aiming to break cycles of urban poverty and make way for justice, wellbeing, and joy because of Jesus. We put a library in a public school where there were previously no children’s books, and train the teachers with reading comprehension strategies over the course of two years to get that school ready to function on its own with a reading program. We do this because we believe that when the kingdom of Jesus comes into a community, things get better.

CUDA Update - April 2021

CUDA Update - April 2021

God has provided tremendously for CUDA, and I’m so, so thankful. The Bobbie Solley Foundation, the Tulsa Christian Foundation, the Bell Trust are all contributing financially in an incredible way. Add that to the contributions that individual families make, some stretching to give $25/month, some stretching to give $500/month—and we’ve been able to continue on, and even grow! I, as CUDA Board treasurer, can breathe, at peace with God’s providence, and continue to work toward the future of our work in sustainable development toward justice, wellbeing, and joy in the city. If you have $25 or $50/month to spare and want to be a part of this sort of work in the name of Jesus, would you commit to supporting CUDA for a year? If you can’t do that, but you shop at Kroger or Amazon, would you consider linking your account to our non-profit? All the details for supporting us in any way are right here.

CUDA’s Living Libraries Impact

CUDA’s Living Libraries Impact

Schools in Peru are still closed, and will finish out the school year (in December) this way. As you might imagine, that has affected the way we train teachers through Living Libraries. Despite a great learning curve for virtual training, I asked our team—Lucía, Nancy, and Julié—to share some specific stories of teachers who have grown throughout this year, and what they shared is encouraging. And one more thing…

Living Libraries: Two schools ready to step out on their own

Living Libraries: Two schools ready to step out on their own

This is a time of year where I’m especially thankful for Living Libraries and the impact they’re making in the lives of kids, teachers, and their families here in Arequipa. Our team is phenomenal—Lucia’s leadership and Nancy’s artistic spirit combine with teammates and volunteers to make a huge impact. It makes me thankful for all of you who follow along and support us with your constant giving, donating books, and praying for us as you share Living Libraries’ story with others along the way. Thank. You.

A Time to Give Thanks and a Time to Ask for Help

A Time to Give Thanks and a Time to Ask for Help

We are nearing the end of the calendar year, which in Arequipa is the same as nearing the end of the school year. For CUDA and Living Libraries, that means we’re coming down the home stretch, teaching our last reading comprehension strategy in October before trying to synthesize a year’s worth of work with teachers and students during the month of November.