October 2017

August's First Birthday

August's First Birthday

It's hard to believe that August is a year old already! This year has been full of love and learning.First birthdays are a big production here – food, gifts, party favors, clowns, decorations, cake, and games. We had August's party at a big park near our house. Planning and preparation was a cultural adventure in itself! It took several days to get everything ready. Many friends and neighbors came together to help us make it all happen. It was truly a beautiful picture of community.

My Conversion Story by Liliana Oshoa

My Conversion Story by Liliana Oshoa

Isn’t it amazing when you stop to think of all the people around the world that we will get to spend eternity with? I (Jake) asked Liliana, a sister in Christ here, to tell the amazing story of her conversion over the last few years. Here’s what she wants to tell you (translated from Spanish).