CUDA View: Opportunities

Here’s hoping that the rapidly approaching end of 2011 finds you well. We are experiencing significant success in Arequipa right now and find ourselves prepping for a big year in 2012. However, we have some very specific needs that we are bringing to the people in our lives to seek the support we need to make it happen. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a donation to CUDA by the end of the year or a pledge for 2012 so that we can launch some big changes in the very near future. There is plenty to be excited about around here these days! 

First off, we have a three-person Peruvian staff ready and waiting to tackle this effort as their full-time employment. Currently, they are serving as volunteers with whatever time they have available outside of their existing jobs, but that time is often limited. Alfredo Oporto will be the Executive Director. Paty Montoya will be the Director of Finance. Abraham Olivera will be the Director of Community Development. They are active members of our church groups, well qualified for their respective roles, and eager to dive in. In order to hire all three for a year, we need $30,000 total. While this may seem like a large sum, the idea is to be able to buy their time for the next year and have them spend part of their work week generating income in order to provide for the future. Our goal is sustainability, so that they are not dependent on donations long-term. This is merely an initial investment as capital to get a running start. 

In addition to the staff, we feel strongly that they will need resources provided for them to make headway in creating sustainability and growing the programs of CUDA. Coupled with needing to vacate our current office space, we have sought out a larger locale to serve as CUDA offices and ministry space. We have located a 3 story building in a central location right by the largest university in town and have big dreams for how to use it. The first floor lends itself to being a student center & coffee shop, which would provide both ministry opportunities and a source of income to help support the entire organization. The second floor would serve as the CUDA offices, including a meeting area. The third floor would provide living quarters for an employee (to double as security) and a classroom. Both Alfredo and Abraham are experienced in teaching English, and we believe that this is their most profitable skill in terms of generating revenue. Plus, advertising that one can converse with Americans as practice is a major draw in maximizing enrollment. Overall, this is the best way we can equip our new employees to build toward a sustainable organization while we are guaranteed to be here with them. Initial estimates are that we will need $30,000 for rent, startup costs and overhead for a year. 

As such, the math comes to us needing $60,000, so that we can hire the workers and get the building. We will immediately ask that the CUDA staff start their efforts to bring in funds one way or another, and feel that it is important that we help provide them with the means to do so successfully. This is the time to make it happen and we are ready. Each time God has brought us to the edge of our own comfort and prompted us to take a big step, He has been faithful to provide and we are confident that He will do so again.