Women's Bible Study

For about a year I have felt God leading me to begin a women’s Bible study with some neighbors. I finally decided to listen to this leading and lean on God to invite a few neighbors to come over Monday mornings to eat muffins, drink tea, and read the Bible. As I was inviting these women I was praying for God to bring just those women that were open to community with him and with each other, whether that be one other woman or ten.

There are two women that come consistently and we usually end up spending about 2 hours together talking about life and then reading through a passage from the Bible. We started in Genesis and are going to work our way through the story of God. After we read the passage we answer these questions: What does this story tell us about God and His plan? What does this story tell us about humanity? What are we going to do differently this week because we read this story? It is simple but has brought out some really neat talking points between the three of us.

One of the women has been struggling lately with her health and she mentioned at the end of this past week’s study how she was so thankful for this time to get out of her house and spend it reading the Bible. It has really helped her to not feel as depressed.

Please be praying for God to be working through this study and in these women.